Libs Utilitaires
Libs Internes

SCR/AL1 - TOME III. Les librairies utilitaires

27. Utilitaires : Syntaxe des fonctions

27.22 s_wddlg : syntax of functions

WDDlgAddBmp(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int res, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int))
WDDlgAddButton(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, U_ch *text, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int), int attr)
WDDlgAddEdit(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, U_ch *text, int maxlen, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int), int attr)
WDDlgAddGroupbox(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, U_ch *title)
WDDlgAddHSlider(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int *pos, int nMin, int nMax)
WDDlgAddIcon(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int res, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int))
WDDlgAddListbox(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, U_ch **opts, char *sel, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int), int attr)
WDDlgAddListview(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, U_ch **opts, char *sel, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int), int attr)
WDDlgAddProgress(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int *pos, int nMin, int nMax)
WDDlgAddStatic(WDDLG *wddlg, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, U_ch *text)
WDDlgAsk(U_ch *title, U_ch *qu, U_ch *rep, int lg)
WDDLG *WDDlgCreate(int x, int y, int cx, int cy, U_ch *title)
WDDLG *WDDlgCreateInfoBox(U_ch *title, U_ch *msg)
WDDlgDisplay(WDDLG *wddlg)
WDDlgDisplayField(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb)
WDDlgDisplayFlds(WDDLG *wddlg)
WDDlgEdit(WDDLG *wddlg)
WDDlgFree(WDDLG *wddlg)
WDDlgGetCurSel(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb)
WDDlgHideField(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb)
WDDlgLBChangeText(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb, int opt_nb, U_ch * txt)
WDDlgLVSelect(U_ch *title, U_ch **opts, char *sels, int x, int y, int cx, int cy)
WDDlgMsgBox(U_ch *title, U_ch *qu, U_ch **buts)
WDDlgSelect(U_ch *title, U_ch **opts, char *sels, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, int ntabs, int *tabs)
WDDlgSetBeginFn(WDDLG *wddlg, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int))
WDDlgSetCurSel(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb, int opt_nb)
WDDlgSetEndFn(WDDLG *wddlg, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int))
WDDlgSetEscFn(WDDLG *wddlg, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int))
WDDlgSetFocus(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb)
WDDlgSetFont(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb, int font)
WDDlgSetIo(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb, int io)
WDDlgSetLVTabs(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb, int ntabs, int *tabs)
WDDlgSetOkFn(WDDLG *wddlg, int (*fn)(WDDLG *, int, char *, int))
WDDlgSetTabs(WDDLG *wddlg, int i, int ntabs, int *tabs)
WDDlgShowField(WDDLG *wddlg, int fld_nb)
WDDlgUnDisplay(WDDLG *wddlg)
WscrMenuLV(MENU *mn, char sep, int istitle, PAGE *pg, int fld_nb)

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